The twelfth Sino-German Frontiers of Science Symposium (SINOGFOS) was held in Lübeck, Germany from May 23 to 26, 2019. German and Chinese young scientists had a cross-disciplinary discussion on six cutting-edging scientific topics including Cell Imaging at the Atomic Resolution, Deep Brain Stimulation, Exoplanet Finding, Genome Editing, Reconstructing Ancient Climates, and Robots and Autonomous Systems. Dr YE Zheng co-chaired this year’s symposium and organized the Deep Brain Stimulation session.
From 12thto 16th , June in 2019, Dr. Jiulin Du was invited to attend the 14th ‘International Zebrafish Conference at Suzhou, China and gave an academic report named ‘Anatomical and functional logic of the locus coeruleus system’ on the conference.
From May 28th to 30th, the 8th Academic Review of ION PIs and the 9th International Advisory Board Meeting were held in Shanghai.
During Nov. 15 - 17, 2017, the International Workshop on Zebrafish Neural Circuits and Behavior, a three-day meeting, was held at the Neuroscience Center Building in Rockville, Maryland. Prof. Jiu-lin Du and Dr. Chun-feng Shang were invited to attend this meeting.
On Oct 12th, 2016, Dr. DU Jiulin (Institute of Neuroscience, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS) was awarded the 11th Shanghai Peony Award for his research on the studies of neural circuit mechanisms underlying visuomotor transformation and adaptive behavior generation, and molecular mechanisms underlying brain vascular development.
On July 26, 2016, Prof. DU Jiulin’s research group published an invited commentary paper entitled “A Death Trap for Microglia” in Developmental Cell to recommend two research articles published in the same issue of Developmental Cell and the latest issue of Cell Reports, respectively.
Based on recommendations of the International Academic Review Committee, ION senior investigators have voted anonymously to promote Dr. Wei Wang to ION senior investigator.
From May 30 to June 1, the 7th Academic Review of ION PIs and the 8th International Advisory Board Meeting were held in Shanghai.In the afternoon of June 1st, committee members gave talks in the Shanghai Symposium on Frontiers of Neuroscience organized by ION.
During April 16 – 18, Dr. Jiulin Du was invited to attend an international neuroscience symposium on “Linking cellular properties to neuronal network dynamics” held in Marseille, France, and gave a talk entitled “Mapping neural circuits with a whole-brain scale by using larval zebrafish”.
From February 23 to March 17, the ION Mini-Course on “Scientific Communication, Integrity and Innovation” was held in the SIBS main lecture hall by Prof. Mu-ming Poo (ION). More than 200 researchers attended the classes, mostly students from ION and including some were from other SIBS institutes.
The 2016 ION Annual Meeting was held at the Campus Lecture Hall from December 25th to 27th, 2016. During the opening remark of the meeting, Prof. Mu-Ming Poo gave a talk entitled “Institute of Neuroscience at the Crossroad”. He introduced the progress of the ION faculty recruitment, 9.4T fMRI setup, CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology (CEBSIT) Shao Xing Campus for Science and Technology and the establishment review of the CEBSIT.