12th Sino-German Frontiers of Science Symposium 2019


  The twelfth Sino-German Frontiers of Science Symposium (SINOGFOS) was held in Lübeck, Germany from May 23 to 26, 2019. German and Chinese young scientists had a cross-disciplinary discussion on six cutting-edging scientific topics including Cell Imaging at the Atomic Resolution, Deep Brain Stimulation, Exoplanet Finding, Genome Editing, Reconstructing Ancient Climates, and Robots and Autonomous Systems.

  Four young scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Neuroscientists were invited to participate in the symposium. Dr YE Zheng co-chaired this year’s symposium and organized the Deep Brain Stimulation session. Dr WANG Kai gave a talk entitled “Development of Optical Imaging Methods to Go Deeper, Finer and Faster in Living Brain” in the Cell Imaging at the Atomic Resolution session. Dr XU Ninglong and Dr CHANG Le presented their research in poster sessions.

  The SINOGFO is a series of interdisciplinary conferences co-organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The annual meetings take place in China and Germany alternately since 2008. Each year 60 outstanding young scientists (30 German and 30 Chinese) from various fields of natural sciences were invited to the symposium to present the research at the frontiers of their fields and to discuss the challenges hindering further progress across disciplines. The symposium is aimed to provide a communication platform for Chinese and German young scientists to encourage knowledge exchange and interdisciplinary collaboration between the two countries.
