2013 ION Annual Meeting


  The 2013 ION Annual Meeting was held at the SIBS Lecture Hall from December 26th to 27th, 2013. During the opening remark of the meeting, Prof. Mu-Ming Poo gave a brief introduction to the Brain Projects of the United States, the European Union and Japan, and reviewed the most important issues of ION during the past year, including relocating to the new research building, faculty members leaving. Forty-seven ION researchers, including graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research associates, presented their recent works. New faculty members, Drs. Jie He, Ning-Long Xu and Tian-Ming Yang introduced the research directions of their respective laboratories. Dr. Neng Gong reported some interesting findings on primate research. Before the end of this meeting, Prof. Poo gave a talk entitled “Three key steps in scientific research: choosing a topic, troubleshooting and drawing conclusions”.



  The prizes for the best five presentations were awarded to Kai Li (first prize, Shi-Qing Cai’s Lab), Shu-Jing Li (second prize, Xiang Yu’s Lab), Tao Zhou (second prize, Hai-Lan Hu’s Lab), Wang-Chao Xu (third prize, Jin Xu’s Lab) and Shao-Rong Ma (third prize, Yi-Zheng Wang’s Lab).

