2012 ION Annual Meeting


  The 2012 ION Annual Meeting was held at the SIBS Lecture Hall from December 26th to 28th, 2012. At the start of the meeting on December 26th, Prof. Mu-Ming Poo gave a brief overview on ION’s new research space reallocation, laboratory head recruitment, two key projects on human intelligence and brain mapping, institutional social responsibility and the proposal for the Brain Research Center. During the meeting, 64 members of ION, including graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research associates, presented their recent works. New faculty members Drs. Yong Gu, Yi-Feng Zhang, Yan-Gang Sun and Xiao-Hong Xu introduced research directions of their laboratories. Drs. Zheng Wang, Qian Hu, Qiang Sun, Neng Gong gave overviews of recent progress in their respective core facilities. Before the end of this meeting, Prof. Poo talked about “Scientific integrity on gray zone area”.



  The prizes for the top five presentations were awarded to Shu-Zhen Zhang (first prize, Jia-Wei Zhou’s Lab), Kun Li (second prize, Hai-Lan Hu’s Lab), Yuan-Yuan Yao (second prize, Jiu-Lin Du’s Lab), Sheng-Jie Feng (third prize, Yi-Zheng Wang’s Lab) and Dan-Qian Liu (third prize, Mu-Ming Poo’s Lab).


  Before the meeting started, all the attendees stood in silent tribute to mourn Professor Jian-Ping Wu (Chien-Ping Wu), an ION senior investigator who passed away on December 23, 2012.

