2011 ION Annual Meeting


The 2011 ION Annual Meeting was held at the SIBS Lecture Hall from December 27th to 29th, 2011. On December 27th, the annual meeting started with Prof. Mu-Ming Poo reading his New Year Letter from 2001, reviewing ten years of development at ION. During the meeting, 64 members of ION, including graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research associates presented their recent works. Drs. Zheng Wang and Yong Gu, new faculty members at ION, introduced their laboratories. Drs. Qian Hu, Qiang Sun, Neng Gong gave overviews of recent progress in their respective core facilities.

Dr. Zhen-Ge Luo from ION and Dr. Yun Wang from Peking University, who were awarded the “2011 Hsiang-Tung Chang Outstanding Young Scientist Prize”, gave keynote lectures during this meeting.

Before the end of this meeting, Prof. Poo talked about “Facts and Fallacies of Scientific Pursuit”.

The prizes for the top five presentations were awarded to Fei Wang (first prize, Hai-Lan Hu’s lab), Ying Li (second prize, Jiu-Lin Du’s lab), Wei Huang (second prize, Mu-Ming Poo’s lab), Wen-Qin Hu (third prize, You-Sheng Shu’s lab) and Kai-Yu Wang (third prize, Zuo-Ren Wang’s lab).
