Eight ION students were awarded CAS Scholarships



In September 2009, the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced the awardees of the 2009 CAS Scholarships. Eight ION students were recipients of these scholarships.

Top 50 Ph.D. Thesis Award of CAS:
Ke Zhang (Ai-Ke Guo's Lab)

The CAS President's Award for Excellent Performance:
Chun Xu (Xiao-Hui Zhang's Lab) and Xiu-Ping Zhou (Zhen-Ge Luo's Lab)

Zhu Li Yue Hua Excellent Ph.D. Student Award:
Shuai Li (Zhi-Qi Xiong's Lab) and Tong Liu (Ai-Ke Guo's Lab)

Di Ao Scholarship (First-Class):
Yi-Lin Tai (Yi-Zheng Wang's Lab)

Di Ao Scholarship (Second-Class):
Jia Wang (Zhen-Ge Luo's Lab) and Jie-Min Jia (Zhi-Qi Xiong's Lab)
