Eleven ION students were awarded CAS Scholarships



In August 2008, the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced the awardees of the 2008 CAS Scholarships. Eleven ION students were recipients of these Scholarships.

The CAS President's Award for Outstanding Performance:
Ke Zhang (Ai-Ke Guo's Lab)

The CAS President's Award for Excellent Performance:
Gang Chen (Xiao-Bing Yuan's Lab), Xian Zhang (Zhen-Ge Luo's Lab) and Zhi-Jun Zhang (Shu-Min Duan's Lab)

Top 50 Ph.D. Thesis Award of CAS
Chen-Bing Guan (Xiao-Bing Yuan's Lab)

Zhu Li Yue Hua Excellent Ph.D. Student Award:
Yue-Qing Peng (Ai-Ke Guo's Lab) and Chun-Lei Wang (Yu-Qiang Ding's Lab)

Liu Yong Ling Scholarship (First-Class):
Fei Chen (Zhen-Ge Luo's Lab) and Xiao-Dong Chen (Mu-Ming Poo's Lab)

Di Ao Scholarship (Second-Class):
Wang Xi (Ai-Ke Guo's Lab) and Wei Zhang (Zuo-Ren Wang's Lab)
