Dr. Shumin Duan gave invited talks at two Gordon Research Conferences


Dr. Shu-min Duan was invited to attend the Gordon Research Conference on “Excitatory Synapses & Brain Function” at Colby-Sawyer College, held June 10th to 15th. During the session on “Glia and Synaptic Function”, Dr. Duan gave an invited talk entitled “Plasticity of Neuron-glia signaling”.

Dr. Duan was also invited to attend the Gordon Research Conference on “Neurotrophic Factors” at Salve Regina University, held June 17th to 22nd. During the session on “Neurotrophic Factors and Plasticity II”, Dr. Duan gave an invited talk entitled “Turning on presynaptic silent synapses by BDNF-CDC42 signaling”.
