Visit by Gordon Research Conferences Delegation


On October 23, 2006, a delegation from Gordon Research Conferences visited ION, members included:
Dr. Deborah Charych, Senior Scientist at Chiron Corporation, Emeryville, CA.
Dr. Pamela J. Green, Crawford H. Greenewalt Chair at the University of Delaware and Chairman of the Board of Gordon Research Conferences
Dr. Nancy Ryan Gray, Director, Gordon Research Conferences
Dr. Michael Natan, President of Oxonica, Inc.
Dr. Peter J. Stang, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Dean of the College of Science at the University of Utah.
Darlene Graveline, Conference and Operations Manager, Gordon Research Conferences
Stephen Dunkle, Aquatics Director, Albany Unified School District

Drs. Shu-Min Duan and Xiang Yu hosted their visit, giving a brief description of current research at ION and answering questions regarding the prospects of holding future Gordon Conferences in Shanghai or other sites in China.
