CEBSIT held a new editorial board meeting for Neuroscience Bulletin


CEBSIT held Neuroscience Bulletin ( NB ) new editorial meeting on January 18, 2021. Prof. POO Muming, Scientific Director of CEBSIT, and Prof. DUAN Shumin, the editor-in-chief of NB, a total of 33 people attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Dr. WANG Zuoren, deputy director of the center.

In the meeting, the newly added editorial board members have expressed their opinions and discussed enthusiastically. They actively provided suggestions for the development of NB from the perspectives of improving the journal's impact factor in the short-term and improving the reputation of the journal industry in the long-term and to improve the submission standards to attract high-quality manuscript sources and ensure the exposure of high-quality manuscripts. 
