Non-human Primate Facility

Service Offerings  

1. Animal Boarding and Veterinary Assistance

The platform is equipped with facilities including a group housing area for rhesus monkeys, paired housing cages, quarantine and isolation enclosures, as well as a behavioral analysis laboratory and an operating room for non-human primate research. We offer housing and veterinary assistance services for experimental monkeys to research teams at the Brain Intelligence Innovation Center and to collaborating external institutions.

Our veterinary team is highly skilled, with three members holding professional veterinary licenses and one certified as an Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician (ALAT) by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS). The remaining team members have received specialized technical training and hold Shanghai Municipal Laboratory Animal Training Records. We provide professional services for experimental procedures including sample collection, surgical operations, intraoperative anesthesia monitoring, and postoperative care. The services offered are detailed in the table below:

2. Construction of Gene-Edited Mice

Traditional homologous recombination methods involve a series of steps including targeting, screening, injection, and the generation of chimeric mice to achieve gene targeting. This method is time-consuming and inefficient, and obtaining truly naive embryonic stem cells is challenging, which limits its application.

The CRISPR/Cas9 technology offers a more efficient alternative by using the Cas9 endonuclease guided by RNA to create site-specific double-strand breaks in the DNA, enabling gene modification. This technology is user-friendly and efficient, allowing simultaneous manipulation of multiple genes and loci, and can produce initial mouse models in as little as three months. We are also working on optimizing this method by employing single-cut enzymes and other techniques to reduce off-target effects and improve the precision of gene knockout and insertion, enabling the integration of large foreign gene fragments.

Our platform offers mouse model construction services using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Detailed pricing information is provided in the table below:

3. Mouse In Vitro Fertilization and Single Sperm Injection

We offer services for sperm thawing, in vitro fertilization, and single sperm injection for transgenic mouse sperm imported from external institutions or for transgenic males with reproductive difficulties. The fee structure is as follows:

1.For B6×D2 F1 hybrid background oocyte recipients:

Internal: ¥10,000 per batch

External: ¥12,000 per batch

Provides 3-5 transgenic animals. An additional charge of ¥300 per animal will apply for each extra animal.

2.For B6 inbred background oocyte recipients:

Internal: ¥12,000 per batch

External: ¥14,000 per batch

Provides 3-5 transgenic animals. An additional charge of ¥500 per animal will apply for each extra animal.

3.For specific mouse strains used as oocyte recipients: Charges will be calculated separately based on the specific requirements of the strain.


4. Construction of Transgenic Mice/Crab-Eating Macaques

Transgenic mice or crab-eating macaques are generated using lentiviral injection into the embryos or perivitelline space of the respective species.

1.Lentiviral Injection into Mouse Embryos:

To obtain transgenic mice, high-purity and high-titer lentivirus (≥10^9 TU/ml) must be provided for injection. The fee for injection and subsequent animal screening is ¥12,000 per gene. After positive identification, the animals will be transferred to the respective research groups within two weeks. If continued housing is required, it will be charged according to the internal animal boarding standards.

2.Lentiviral Injection into In Vitro Constructed Crab-Eating Macaque Embryos:

High-purity and high-titer virus (at least 10^9 TU/ml) must be provided for injection. Efficiency must first be tested in mice, with a required efficiency of ≥70% before proceeding with macaque embryo injection. Fees for this service are to be determined through negotiation.

5. Gene Knockout in Crab-Eating Macaques

Gene knockout in crab-eating macaques is achieved through mRNA injection into early embryos using the Cas9 method. Fees for this service will be determined through negotiation.