Prof. Mu-ming Poo visited College de France and MIT Picower Institute for Learning and Memory


  Collège de France academic year inaugural colloquium was held at Paris, France on October 9-11, 2019. The theme of this colloquium is “Research and innovation: what future?” Prof. Mu-ming Poo was invited to attend this event by Prof. Alain Prochiantz, president of College de France. He gave a lecture entitled “Of monkeys and men – Use of non-human primates for studying human biology and diseases”. 

  After the trip to France, he visited MIT Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at Boston on October 16. He gave a keynote lecture entitled “The use of non-human primates for studying human biology and diseases” during the 2019 Picower Institute Fall Symposium “Neural Mechanisms of memory and cognition”   
